WyzeCam, IFTTT, Cloudflare DNS
Looking for a new security camera system but don't want to spend a ton of money? Take a look at the Wyze Cam and Wyze Cam Pan. Pricing in at $30 and $40.
What if you could automate parts of your life? Oh wait! You can. Check out the free service IFTTT (or Zapier), if this then that. It connects services you use together to help automate the little things so you don't have to worry about them. For example. I automate my thermostat to automatically change when I'm home and leave the house.
Reach out and I can help you determine the best applets for you!
Do you know what DNS is? DNS is the service that tells your web browser where to go when you type in a URL. Sometimes, that DNS service can cause delays in pages loading due to slow responses. Consider changing your DNS to and for faster lookups! Take a look here:
https://www.dnsperf.com/ for the speed differences.
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